Wisdom tooth extraction has many of the myths associated with it.This has been observed since a very long time and because of which people refrain to get down a dental treatment and usually get into complications due the delay in the treatment.As a part of education we should also analize these kinds of myths and get to the known facts. A dentist would be the right person to explain the same
About The Speaker
Dr. Subhashree Sahoo(BDS) from Indore is a Dental Surgeon and active in the activities related to oral hygiene awareness and educating people about the dental treatments.
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that mainly affects people on medication for other health problems that reduce their immunity to fight environmental pathogens. Mucormycosis or black fungus is now commonly seen in COVID recovered patients primarily due to the overuse of steroids. Sinuses or lungs of such individuals get affected after fungal spores are inhaled from the air. In this video, you will get to know about the signs and symptoms associated with Mucormycosis.
About the speaker:
Dr. A Rajmohan (B.D.S., F.O.I) is a Microscopic Root Canal Specialist & Implantologist practicing in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.
Thanjai Dental Centre, Thanjavur,Tamilnadu
You must take utmost care post-tooth extractions as the site where your tooth was extracted needs to heal completely. You must avoid any hard food that involves chewing for a few days and instead consume a liquid diet. There are many other things to keep in mind post-tooth extractions, and this video explains all of those in detail. Watch this video till the end, and don't forget to hit the subscribe button
About the speaker:
Dr. Pavitra S Bhat, BDS, is a Dental Surgeon.
Tooth extraction is a common treatment. We need to keep in mind certain set of instructions to avoid any kind of complications post extraction. These instructions are to be followed to help in healing of the socket or the operated site .Special care and attention is required to help the healing process.
About The Speaker
Gauri Toshniwal is a dental student at CSMSS Dental College Aurangabad. She has been contributing towards the awareness of oral hygiene and treatment protocols.She has been active participant in social activities reaching out the underpriviledged strata of the society.
Tooth extraction is a common treatment. We need to keep in mind certain set of instructions to avoid any kind of complications post extraction. These instructions are to be followed to help in healing of the socket or the operated site .Special care and attention is required to help the healing process.
About The Speaker
Gauri Toshniwal is a dental student at CSMSS Dental College Aurangabad. She has been contributing towards the awareness of oral hygiene and treatment protocols.She has been active participant in social activities reaching out the underpriviledged strata of the society.
Mucormycosis ( Black Fungus ) - A well-documented rare fungal disease is now in the news as it is now seen increasingly in COVID19 patients. It is a matter of concern because, if diagnosed in later stages, it may be fatal. It can be called an opportunistic infection because it mainly attacks immunocompromised individuals. Good body and oral hygiene are necessary to prevent the disease. Although several thoughts have been expressed regarding the cause of this disease in COVID19 patients, it remains unclear. Timely diagnosis and treatment are vital in the management of this disease.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Siri P.B. ( Gold Medalist- BDS) is a Pierre Fauchard Academy International Senior Student Award recipient. She is a member of the Student Clinician American Dental Association. She is currently pursuing MDS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at Sri Hasanamba Dental College and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka.
Mucormycosis or as it is commonly called, the Black Fungus diseases is an opportunistic infection, that is seen in the present day among post-covid or covid-recovering patients. It has already taken several lives in India. Several causes have been explained for its occurrence. It has to be noted that, the disease has been found in oral cavity at different sites in the form of abscesses, blackish discolored areas, jaw pain, loosened teeth and so on.
About the speaker:
Dr. Pooja Pandey, BDS, Jabalpur.
Read Less >Jabalpur
Wisdom tooth and human wisdom have no connection. If the wisdom tooth causes any pain while erupting, your oral surgeon will give you the best advice to remove the wisdom tooth. This procedure is a 15-minute procedure, and you might experience minor pain. Watch this video to know more about wisdom teeth & the myths associated to wisdom teeth
About the Speaker:
Dr. Akshay Nambiar is Post Graduate Student at Yenopoya Dental College, Mangalore.
With Technology, dentistry is also advancing. In this video, Dr. Kartik explains minimally invasive dental procedures and their advantages. In minimally invasive implant surgical procedures, digital technology helps the surgeon to place dental implants precisely in the desired location. Minimally invasive surgeries are flapless & blood-less. In these types of surgeries, surgical stents make the procedure accurate, unlike freehand surgeries. With same-day procedures and minimum surgery time, you can achieve maximum results
About the speaker:
Dr. Kartik Bhanushali is a Consultant Oral Implantologist & Prosthodontist practicing in Dadar, Mumbai. Previously he was the Dean & Professor of a well-known dental college in Mumbai. Dr. Kartik has received advanced training in oral implantology and digital dentistry from Germany, Denmark, Boston & Italy. To know more about this speaker, click here , https://www.savethetooth.in/speakers
Save the Tooth is the largest campaign promoting oral hygiene and dental health. Get expert advice for your oral care in 31+ languages. For more informative videos on oral care, oral hygiene & dentistry, visit https://www.savethetooth.in/videos
Read Less >Mumbai
Much has been said about wisdom & its relation with wisdom teeth. In this video, the speaker will demystify all the myths associated with wisdom teeth. If you experience pain due to the eruption of a wisdom tooth, you must visit your dentist, who may suggest a simple surgical procedure that involves removing a wisdom tooth. Wisdom & wisdom teeth have no relation. Visit your dentist to live a pain-free life.
About the speaker:
Dr. Muralee Choontharu (MDS, DNB, MOSRCSEd ( U.K.), MBA) is a renowned dentist practicing in Mangalore, Karnataka. He is also a Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon in Mangalore.
For appointments, get in touch with Dr. Muralee on 09845135787, 9986997203
Save the Tooth is the largest campaign promoting oral hygiene and dental health. Get expert advice for your oral care in 31+ languages. For more informative videos on oral care, oral hygiene & dentistry, visit https://www.savethetooth.in/for-people
Read Less >Mangalore, Karnataka
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that mainly affects people on medication for other health problems that reduce their immunity to fight environmental pathogens. Mucormycosis or black fungus is now commonly seen in COVID recovered patients primarily due to the overuse of steroids. Sinuses or lungs of such individuals get affected after fungal spores are inhaled from the air. In this video, you will get to know about the signs and symptoms associated with Mucormycosis.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Shagun Agarwal Jain, MDS, is a Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry practicing in Bangalore.
Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that mainly affects people on medication for other health problems that reduce their immunity to fight environmental pathogens. Mucormycosis or black fungus is now commonly seen in COVID recovered patients primarily due to the overuse of steroids. Sinuses or lungs of such individuals get affected after fungal spores are inhaled from the air. In this video, you will get to know about the signs and symptoms associated with Mucormycosis.
About the speaker:
Dr. Deepak Pusa, MDS, is an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon.
You must take utmost care post-tooth extractions as the site where your tooth was extracted needs to heal completely. You must avoid any hard food that involves chewing for a few days and instead consume a liquid diet. The healing period is usually 7-10 days; however, it may take more time for some people. Do not indulge in any spicy foods even if you feel the site as healed as it may not have healed completely. There are many other things to keep in mind post-tooth extractions, and this video explains all of those in detail. Watch this video till the end, and don't forget to hit the subscribe button.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Sakshi Vishal Kotecha, BDS, is a general dentist practicing in Aurangabad.
Tooth extraction is a common treatment. We need to keep in mind certain set of instructions to avoid any kind of complications post extraction. These instructions are to be followed to help in healing of the socket or the operated site .Special care and attention is required to help the healing process.Following these instructions can surely have a painless healing experience
About The Speaker
Dr. Apurva Jadhav (BDS) is a dental surgeon associated with Oralcare.co.in,Aurangabad.She has been actively participating in all the activities related to oral hygiene awareness.
Wisdom tooth has many superstitious beliefs associated with it. In times of mild pain, bleeding of gums near the wisdom teeth, or a foul odour, your dentist will advise you to go for the removal procedure of wisdom teeth. This procedure is a minimally invasive dental surgery that usually takes about 15 minutes and will help you live a pain-free life. It is a safe procedure, and it is not at all associated with a person's wisdom. You must visit your dentist if your wisdom tooth causes you pain and discomfort. This video will give you a detailed explanation of wisdom teeth.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Benjamin Mathew is currently pursuing MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Bengaluru.